Summer 2024 – Week 2 – Topic #3: Communication Models

Please share your opinion about this topic. Here a few sample questions:

  • Why are communication models so important?
  • Is there a model you prefer?
  • Can you analyze something going on in the news with one of the models introduced?
  • Did the lecture change your idea about communication?
  • Where do you spot problems in modern communication?
  • Do you agree on what I said about Aristotle’s model?
  • Etc.

92 thoughts on “Summer 2024 – Week 2 – Topic #3: Communication Models

  1.    The class introduced a wide range of communication models, which were divided into two categories: historical and modern models.

       The historical models were first covered. The teacher started with the Aristotelian Model, which was a model coalesced by Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato. It consists of four stages: Speaker, Speech, Audience, and Effect, and it also requires the inclusion of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. The teacher emphasized that to be a good communicator, one must possess at least two of these elements. I agree with this as well; a good communicator is someone who is both rational and emotional, with evidence, emotions, and a strong moral character. And I think the importance of the communication model is that the communication model provides us with a framework structure that allows us beginners to analyze complex communication more easily, and can more quickly understand what the other person means when communicating with others, and also Can reduce misunderstandings.,Imagine that in different cultural backgrounds, if communication models are used to communicate, communication efficiency may be higher

       The teacher then briefly introduced the Components of Lasswell’s models: Who, say what, channel, to whom, with what effect. This is a typical and easy-to-understand model that is commonly used in daily communication. The third model introduced was the Shannon-Weaver Mathematical Model. This model provided a logical approach to ensuring that one’s communication is well received by the recipient. We also introduced four concepts in this model, and the teacher emphasized the importance of sound and the source in communication. After that, the teacher covered Schramm’s Model of Communication, a circular system for the reception and dissemination of information. Following this, the Berlo’s Model of Communication was introduced as a supplement to the previous communication model. This model provided important information such as body language, which ties in with the previous lesson on body language. I think I like Lasswell’s communication model best because I feel that often the most popular, unpretentious way is the easiest for people to understand, because when it comes to news broadcasts, you can’t be sure what kind of culture your recipients are. level, so Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect? ​​This simple and easy-to-understand method is more suitable for the general public. In addition, Lasswell’s communication model deliberately emphasizes effects. I think letting the recipient quickly know the purpose and benefits to be achieved plays a key role in the success of communication. If Lasswell’s communication model is used to analyze the news about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the United Nations news talks about the tense relations in the Middle East, the escalation of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, the violence in the West Bank, the escalation of the conflict in Yemen, and the humanitarian Crisis, released through the United Nations news website, targets the public who are concerned about the situation in the Middle East and the residents of the Middle East affected by the conflict. This report can draw the attention of the international community to the ongoing tensions and humanitarian crises in the Middle East, and urge relevant parties to take measures to alleviate them. Conflict, Promote Peace.(news link

       As the discussion on the five historical models came to an end, the class moved on to the modern communication models.

       The teacher first introduced the Schramm’s Linear SMCR Model and emphasized its importance, stating that it serves as the source of information. This model also incorporates several essential elements. As we know, with the advancement of technology, there are now numerous media that have become new forms of information dissemination, broadening the ways people communicate.

       Next, the Transactional Model for Interpersonal Communication was introduced. During the discussion, I learned that if two communicators have different native languages, the communication process becomes more complex, requiring various intermediaries for translation.

       Finally, the Interactive Model for Internet-Age Communication was discussed. This model is perhaps the closest to our daily lives. In this communication model, each one of us can potentially become the central sender. Therefore, the correct understanding and dissemination of information is crucial, as any misstep could lead to unforeseeable consequences.

       At the end of the lesson, the teacher assigned an exercise on MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION MODELS to help us better understand the models’ implications.

       The second part of the lesson focused on SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MASS COMMUNICATION. The teacher used four models to illustrate this topic: Two-step flow model of Communication, Gatekeepers in Mass Communication, Characteristics of Mass Audiences, and Problems That Could Lead to Failure of Communication.

       Through these models, I gained a deep understanding of the significant differences between mass communication and traditional communication models. While mass communication provides great convenience, we must be aware of potential misinformation and be mindful of key issues that could lead to communication failures. To address this, the Davis Foulger’s Progressive Communication Model was introduced, teaching us how to communicate safely and avoid the failure in communication.

       The lesson concluded with a review of Aristotle’s communication model, emphasizing the importance of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos once again. Through this lesson, I systematically learned about theoretical models of communication. In understanding both historical and modern models, I have also learned how to effectively communicate with others and how to avoid unnecessary conflicts. I think there are indeed many problems in modern communication. Take China’s TikTok as an example. Because many published contents are not subject to regulations, misinformation is spread on TikTok. For example, when we are browsing When it comes to some current affairs news, as a short video, it is necessary to quickly spread the matter to the recipient, so the whole story will be explained from the perspective of a bystander, but the real situation cannot be verified, and even marketing accounts will add fuel and jealousy for the sake of traffic, which will make the recipients The user extracted the wrong information. I also read news about the marriage of ethnic minorities in China before, but you can see that people with different cultural backgrounds in the comment area have different views on this. We don’t know whether the people who edited the news can objectively state this news, so I think cultural differences also need attention.


    1. When it comes to how communication models can promote communication efficiency, I would like to try to use Hosfstde’s cultural dimension theory as an example. Supposse there is a group disscussion and the group members come from different cultural backgrounds, Japan, America and China. Japanese pay attention to the hierarchy and indirect communication, they may prefer a more structured, formal communication method. Americans value individualism and direct communication, they may prefer straightforward and clear communication. In China, where there is value nonverbal communication, chinese may prefer indirect, respectful, and collective-interest communiction style. By realizing these cultural differences, and use Hoststed’s cultural dimension theory adjust communication style, the group discussion can become more efficient, everyone can understand each other better, and create a peaceful atmosphere, leading to better collaboration and project outcomes.


      1. I agree, but I think it is a bit too rigid. I think an open communication environment can be established, such as encouraging group members to share their communication preferences and cultural backgrounds, to establish an open and inclusive communication environment and reduce misunderstandings and conflicts.

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    2. Your observations about TikTok are quite relevant. Currently, the rapid dissemination of information, often without proper regulation, can lead to the spread of misinformation. The pressure to generate traffic can lead to sensationalism, which distorts the true nature of events. .. I do think this is particularly a problem when it comes to current affairs, where the need for speed often compromises accuracy and objectivity.The issue of cultural differences is also crucial. As you mentioned, different cultural backgrounds can lead to varied interpretations of the same information. This is evident in discussing sensitive topics. The editors of such content have a significant responsibility to present information objectively, but biases and cultural perspectives can influence the portrayal of events.


    3. Correction: Although I mentioned that Aristotle, Socrates and Plato were the three most outstanding Greek philosophers, the model which I showed was created by Aristotle. Sorry for the confusion!


  2. Much like what was discussed in the very first lecture; the medium is the message. Therefore, the mode of communication is integral in how the message is both relayed and perceived. No communication mode is perfect, rather, needs to be carefully picked based on what will best reach the receiver of the message.

    As the internet slowly becomes the primary means by which most receive information, the interaction model is becoming the prevailing means by which the younger generations resonate with messages. Instead of faceless advertisements and untouchable companies, people are able to connect with the faces of brands and the personalities behind them. This can be a double edged sword, as the state of your brand rests on the fate of your image, but generally being able to connect with people on a more personal level fosters stronger brand attachment and a dedicated consumer-base.


    1. Yes, the occurrence of an interaction model brings new possibilities for brands and consumers. By social media and other platforms, consumers can directly change views with brands, express views, it’s very meaningful to the development and improvement for brands. However, brands should be more cautious when facing public, because any inappropriate word or action may cause nagative impact on the image of brand. Therefore, brands also need to manage their image more responsibly, to ensure that interactions with consumers are always positive and constructive.


    2. If you want to optimize the shortcomings of communication models, I think you can integrate multiple communication models, avoid stereotyping cultural differences, and respect individual differences.


      1. How would you suggest we overcome the impersonal nature of many communication models? While many advertising companies use both SNS communication and advertising communication, these brands still remain largely impersonal and faceless. I believe after a certain point interpersonal communication is impossible when you’re speaking as a large corporation or advertisement, and such shortcomings cannot be overcome succinctly.


    3. I agree with you that we need to choose different communication models according to different situations. At the same time, the interactive model has better brought considerable economic benefits to the merchants.


    4. I agree, your comment highlights the enormous ways that feedback has changed in communication. As mentioned by Professor Karl during the class, the speed and brevity to which we are able to communicate with other people across the world is unprecedented in the history of the world. I often think about how, when my parents first emigrated to the United States, leaving their parents behind they truly thought this may be the last time they may see each other. To me that is so interesting because, with the benefit of hindsight, my parents and their parents were to see each other many times for over 30 years after their departure.

      I think this exemplifies the different ways that people today view intimacy and long-distance communication. What might have taken days or weeks journey and effort to deliver a letter to a loved one can be done with the press of a button.


  3. The term “communication models” refers to frameworks or theories within interpersonal communication that help us understand and improve the ways we communicate. There are several points to interpret why it’s so important. First of all, It provides a clear frame for understanding how information is delivered and explained, helping us understand why communication breaks down. Secondly, by understanding different communication models, we can learn how to express ourselves efficiently and know better to other person’s viewpoints and meanings. Thirdly, through communication models, people can deal with the problem better and understand each other’s position, promoting more cooperating solutions. Fourthly, effective communication is basic to building healthy, positive relationships. Understanding communication models can help us establish closer, more meaningful connections.

    Among the many communication models, Aristotle’s linear model is the one I prefer. Aristotle’s linear model of communication outlines the components and flow of communication in a straightforward manner: speaker, speech, occasions, audience, and effect. Speaker is the person delivering the massage. Speech is the massage itself, including contect and deliver. Occasion is the context or situation in which the communication takes place. Audience is the recipients of the message. Effect is the impact or outcome of the communication on the audience.

    Additionally, Aristotle introduced three persuasive appeals, known as ethos, pathos, and logos, which are essential elements of effective communication. Ethos refers to the credibility or character of the speaker. It involves establishing trust and authority with the audience, making them more receptive to the message. Pathos involves appealing to the emotions of the audience. This can create a strong emotional connection and evoke empathy or sympathy, influencing the audience’s attitudes or actions. Logos are relates to the logical appeal of the message. It involves providing evidence, reasoning, and logical arguments to support the message, making it more convincing and persuasive.

    Use this model to analyze what happened in the news. For example, the government has announced new tax policies. Speaker is goverment official, news of the speech includes the content of the new tax policies, the audience comprises all those affected by the policies, the effects of the new policies will manifest in various ways, including financial impacts on taxpayers, economic implications, and public perceptions of the government.


    1. I agree. The communication model enhances effective information transfer, and Aristotle’s view specifically focuses on the speaker’s credibility and emotional appeal.


    2. I also like Aristotle’s communication model, which is relatively more contagious and easier for people to empathize with. I think contagious is very important in most settings. He is a person you can convince the other party of important conditions


  4. In class, we learned the communication models, divided into two parts, which are the historical model and the modern model. There are 3 major type of modern communication models, which are linear, transactional, and interactive.

    All the models include the basic elements of communication— sender, message, and receiver. Help us better understand how the communication is processed. There are 3 main elements in Aristotle model, Ethos, Pathos, Logos. If we want to make a good communication on any occasion, we need at least two elements.

    I choose to analyze the review of “The Watchers,” written by Ty Burr, by using Aristotle’s model of communication.

    Firstly, Ethos refers to the credibility and character of the speaker/writer . Ty Burr is a well-known film critic and author, providing him with significant authority and expertise in film analysis. So, his established reputation lends weight to his opinions and critiques, making most readers more willing to trust his judgment on “The Watchers.”

    The Logos focus on the logical content of the message. Burr’s review is structured and provides a clear analysis of “The Watchers.” The points include: The film’s plot and comparison to M. Night Shyamalan’s previous works, the characterization, and performances, particularly Dakota Fanning’s role, the thematic elements, such as the use of Hitchcockian suspense and Celtic folklore. Criticisms of the film’s execution, including the lack of true suspense and emotional payoff. Praise for specific elements, such as Olwen Fouéré’s performance and certain visually striking sequences. Burr uses these specific examples from the film to support his critique, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses to build a compelling argument.

    Finally, Pathos involves appealing to the audience’s emotions. Burr’s review evokes a range of emotions: Nostalgia and Familiarity: Comparing Ishana Night Shyamalan’s work to her father’s films, let readers remembering and invoking the familiar style of M. Night Shyamalan. Like the suspense and curiosity: By describing the eerie forest, the mysterious creatures, and the suspenseful scenarios, which may intrigue horror movie fans.

    Also, Burr highlighting the film’s shortcomings, such as the half-baked plot and lack of genuine scares, which may resonate with viewers who have high expectations from the “Shyamalan name”.

    However, he gave hope and encourage, which is suggesting that Ishana Night Shyamalan has potential and encouraging a reassessment after more experience, providing a sense of optimism.

    So, the very successful example tells me the importance of using Aristotle’s model, He ensuring the message is both engaging and credible, and how to build a good connection with the audience.

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    1. I also agree with your point of view. Emotional communication plays a vital role in conveying something. If the recipient can resonate and empathize with the emotions, the communication will be more successful.


    2. Your analysis is very enlightening to me, showing the role of Aristotle model in practical application through the example of Ty Burr, the Aristotle model played an important role in convincing others. In our daily communication, we can learn from this method to enhance the persuasiveness and influence of our messages.


    3. In the review of “The Watchers”, I think this becomes a persuasive review because this review uses all effects of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos as Aristotle’s model of communication. It may be reliable even if this review does not use all effects because all of these elements are elements that help to make the argument persuasive. However, I think that the more and more of these factors that are, the review will be more reliable. Moreover, these effects can use not only for review but also for usual communication. For example, if I have some qualifications, the Ethos effect will work to persuade others, even if I speak in a professional context. Additionally, if I tell someone that I was very moved by a movie and I share details about my feelings, someone who is not normally interested in movies may want to see it. That is why Aristotle’s model of communication has an important role to make my argument more smoothly understood by others. 


  5. Communication models are important because they explain the structure of all communication. I prefer a model that is circular and takes into consideration noise and is not specifically formatted for one kind of communication. For example while Harold Laswell’s linear formula is close however it is linear, the formula states there is a sender (Who) Message (Says what) a channel (medium) to receive (To Whom) Feedback (What effect) However the feedback could lead to another conversation being made which would make the model circular. Noise is important to consider as every form of communication will have some sort of interference, and some communication mediums might have multiple sources of interference. Communication models can even be adapted to biology a cell (sender) can send information (message) to another cell using a chemical signal (medium) then the other cell receives (receiver) the signal that cell can then pass along the message or send a response (feedback). The news has a linear communication model because the feedback is slow if any at all. Schramm’s linear SMCR model is based on television communication, however it can be adapted for other forms of communication. The news will broadcast or print news papers then they will distribute them to the public. However, because this model is linear it fails to consider that the viewers can respond in a meaningful way. Then the public will respond to surveys and polling as well as responding to the advertisements that are placed on the news channels by buying the products seen. I think that this model can be expanded into another of the communication models, the interactive model of the information age as people can respond to the news by posting on social media and while it is not a direct response it is still a response. I spot problems in communication models when they don’t consider noise or if they are linear because communication is at its core a transaction so while you can have linear communication it is very unlikely. I believe that no response at all is a response as such a successful communication model should be circular and account for both noise and a response. I find the most interesting communication model to be the Interactive model for the information age because it considers that information can be passed along to others without interaction with the original speaker or poster of the information. This communication model has a very specific kind of noise however which is the interference of bias. Each time the information is passed along it can be changed according to the subconscious biases of the people transmitting it. I believe this information model has been at play long before the information age as people have always passed along information that was never theirs originally. For example, gossip could use a similar communication model to this, as one person sees or hears something and tells another person it will be distorted by each person and their biases until the meaning has changed and a basic overarching conclusion has been made.


    1. I agree with what you said about the importance of noise, acknowledging that noise is essential, as it affects every form of communication. Different mediums have different sources of noise, and any comprehensive model needs to account for these interferences to be truly effective, although it’s hard to avoid. I also like your example of gossip, it appears every day in our daily life.


    2. I think your idea of looking at communication from a biological perspective is insightful and brilliant.

      While reading your text, I thought that it is no exaggeration to say that this world is made up of communication systems. This is because I thought that not only humans and plants with cells, but also, for example, machines work through communication. For example, in electricity, there is a switch (sender), which sends a signal (message) that is received (receiver) and causes the light to turn on (reaction).

       It is mysterious to think that communication is occurring in areas of our body that we are not aware of. (It is even happening right now while I’m writing this blog!)

      To be more specific about biological communication, I consider that it occurs in the process of a person’s immune response. When a pathogen enters the body (sender), an antigen (message) is released and recognized by immune cells (receiver) via receptors. These immune cells then transmit it to other parts of the immune system via signals, which can be considered as a feedback. (I am not good in biology, so please point out if I am wrong!) ). Factors that may cause harm or destruction in this communication include stress because it has the possibility to prevent the immune response from working effectively. Or the introduction of medication that suppress the immune system can be a possible factor.

      Given these ideas, we can think that everything that has cells has a communicative function. This would be related to the question asked in Topic 2: Do animals also have communication? Even if linguistic communication is not possessed by animals, we can assume that communication is taking place inside their bodies.


  6. I think communication models is important because they provides a systematic framework for understanding and optimizing interpersonal communication. After this week’s class, I realized that even if we doesn’t explicitly realize that we are using communication models in our daily communication, we are actually applying the principles and elements of communication models invisibly. Every time we try to conveys information, choose the appropriate expression, consider the other party’s reaction, and adjust our communication strategy based on feedbacks, we are following the basic communication model. For example, sometimes we chooses face-to-face communication instead of texting because we anticipates that certain non-verbal cues are important for the complete communication of information — this is why we subconsciously choose the interactive model to avoid the occurrence of the linear model.

    As for whether I has a preference for one model, I think it depends on the actual situation. For example, in our daily life, we unconsciously considers who is the sender and receiver of the message, choose the appropriate communication channel (such as face-to-face, phone or social media), and pays attention to how the message is encoded and decoded. These are all basic principles of the SMCR model. When we communicates with others, we not only transmits information in a one-way manner, but also expect and gives feedback, which reflects the interactive and cyclical nature of communication, which is consistent with Schramm’s model. In situations where we needs to persuades others, such as asking for help, making suggestions, or debating a point of view, we will unconsciously uses credibility (Ethos), emotion (Pathos), and logic (Logos) to enhances persuasion, which is in line with Aristotle’s communication model.

    lastly, there are many problems in modern communication. Whether it is information overload, privacy issues, cultural and language differences, authenticity, cyberbullying, etc. Regarding these problems, we do not have a good way to completely eliminate it.


    1. I feel that we unconsciously improve our communication model as we get older or as the number of people we communicate with increases. For example, the way we communicate with people we meet at school is somewhat different from the way we communicate with people we meet at work. I also believe that we improve our communication model as our surroundings change, such as when we travel or move to a new place. Because you will see new people in new place for sure.


    2. I agree with you that communication models play a very important role in understanding and optimizing interpersonal communication. In different situations and circumstances, we will naturally choose different communication models. In situations where persuasion is needed, Aristotle’s model is very effective, using Ethos, Pathos and Logos to reinforce persuasion. I am deeply touched by the current problem of cyber bullying you mentioned. In my country, many people have lost their lives because of cyber bullying, including many minors, which has caused many tragedies.


    3. I think that our usual communication is categorized into one of the communication models, and we unconsciously choose the model of communication that best suits the situation. Especially, I found that we often use the SMCR communication model. Therefore, getting feedback on the information we share may be important for us who communicate every day. 


  7. The reason why the communication model is important is that, as we saw in the TED talk in class, the meaning of words and how they are received vary greatly depending on the background, religion, gender, etc., even between people who speak the same language. Therefore, understanding the communication model allows for more effective and smoother communication and reduces the possibility of misunderstandings. The message game we played in class helped me understand the linear model better. In the message game, it was not possible to confirm that the information from the sender is reliably conveyed to the receiver. This is a characteristic of the linear model, which transmits information unilaterally and cannot receive feedback from the receiver of the information. And the linear model loses certainty of information every time it connects people, as we did in class. I also found that in the message game, the accuracy of information transmission changes depending on the information conveyed. As I remember, in my group, the first topic of the game was “The championship of the communication program is scheduled for June 15th at 5pm in room 502”. And we were able to communicate this accurately to the last person. This is because the important things in this theme are the date, time, and place, which rarely change unless you mishear, so we were able to get the message across to the last person. On the other hand, I found it difficult to accurately convey the complex or long names of the other groups in the linear model. From this experience, If I were to transmit something through the linear model, I would try to do so with this characteristic of the linear model in mind. The good aspect of the linear model is that the receiver can receive information regardless of the amount of information, whereas in the interpersonal and transactional models, the receiver may not be able to digest too much information. I have never been aware of these differences in communication models, but I feel that I will be able to communicate more smoothly by being aware of these differences in my life from now on.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Like you, I didn’t know that we actually use various models in daily communication before I learned about any communication models. I think this is a very interesting point.


    2. I agree with you that the quality of communication can be improved by being aware of the differences between the linear, interpersonal and transactional models. 
      The linear model has the advantage that the information is sent in one direction, which is simple and effective when feedback is not required, and the transactional model has the advantage that the information is easy to digest, but knowing that the amount of information that can be processed at one time is limited may improve the quality of various conversations and increase the possibility of overcoming cultural and language barriers. I think there is a big possibility that we will be able to overcome the language barrier and the language barrier.
      I think it is very easy to understand that we were able to actually experience this through a game like the message game we played this time.


    3. I agree! The message game we played in class was also very enlightening for me. It did help me better understand the limitations of the linear model of communication. As you said, the linear model involves one-way information transmission, making it impossible to verify if the information is accurately received and understood.I remember our group sending the wrong message in the middle of the of the steps. This explains why, during the game, the accuracy of the message decreased with each person it passed through. This phenomenon has made me realize the importance of clarity and simplicity when transmitting information by the linear model.

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    4. In the communication which we had to convey a message perfectly in the class, I thought that the level of ease of conveying the message varied depending on the content of the topic. Basically, the Interactive model of communication may lose certainty. However, most of the group answered correctly when the picture conveyed the message of the topic. Therefore, I think that certainty might be higher depending on how it is telling. even if using the Interactive model of communication. 


    5. I find it so interesting that when passing a message like the sentence game we played in class, the origin of noise/information loss is us. The very nature of being human causes the noise in the communication circuit/model. With the emergence of AI, I wonder how the general prevalance of miscommunication and information loss/error might decrease in the world. I think one day, AI will be able to pick up on more and observe the world with less error than humans. At that point, I question what state of perception it is we even live in, to exist so contrary to the objective, empirical realities.

      If there was a superintelligent AI that watched us all fumble and distort the sentences as we got further down, would it not be bewildering for such a machine to be able to perfectly perceive the precise wording of our sentences and how we fail to grasp them.

      I don’t know, just some jumbled thoughts, hopefully I reached my word count bro.


  8. This class teaches us about the different types of communication models, which is quite informative and enriching. The word communication model is a new term for me, but it seems to me more like a blueprint for how we talk to each other. It guides how we communicate and understand each other. After going through the course, I understand that this communication models serve as invaluable frameworks for understanding and optimizing interpersonal communication. In fact, the models can provide us with a structured approach to look at different kinds of communication situations, making it easier to understand and avoid confusion, especially when people come from different cultures. Whether it is conscious or subconscious, we can still apply the principles of communication models in our daily interactions. For instance, we instinctively consider factors like the sender, receiver, and choice of communication channel, reflecting elements from various models. 

    In fact, the model that interests me the most is the one by Aristotle, who was born in about 350 B.C.. He was the first to suggest a basic model with three parts: the speaker, the message, and the listener. This model mainly focuses on the speaker and the message, while the listener is seen as a passive receiver. This model is quite unique and it  stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness in outlining the components and flow of communication. Moreover, the model’s emphasis on ethos, pathos, and logos as essential elements of persuasion. The three terms were covered in the other classes that I attend, and the professor emphasized that they are very important even in essay writings. Therefore, I really admire Aristotle for being able to come out with such an efficient model at an earlier stage. Overall, I believe that this model enables us to comprehend how information is delivered and its impact on the audience, fostering more efficient expression and understanding of diverse viewpoints.

    In my daily interactions at college, I think I will apply Aristotle’s communication model to improve my effectiveness in both academic and social settings. For instance, we now have some classes that require us to give presentations, or share our knowledge. This is when if I assume the role of a speaker, I think I will work on ensuring that I am clear, confident, and well-prepared. I will also use ethos to establish my credibility by demonstrating my knowledge of the subject. During the conveying of the message, I will structure my message logically and compellingly, making sure to incorporate logos by presenting clear arguments supported by evidence. Additionally, I will use pathos to connect emotionally with my audience, perhaps by sharing a relevant personal story or using vivid examples that evoke empathy. Overall, if I were able to apply Aristotle’s communication model in a proper way, I think I would be able to become a more efficient speaker who conveys the message more effectively to my target audience. 

    In general, I think because in this globalized world, we need to interact with people coming from different backgrounds, speaking different language and have different religious beliefs, sometimes we have the modern communication challenges. This could make us too difficult to understand one another completely. Therefore, I think in light of this difficult situation, the Aristotle’s communication model provides us with valuable insights. By focusing on the core elements of the speaker, message, and listener, we will be able to simplify and clarify our communication efforts more effectively. For instance, if we cannot communicate our ideas very fluently due to language barrier, using some emotional connection by showing kindness would be a better way to establish friendship. While we may not have foolproof solutions for every issue, understanding and applying Aristotle’s model can help us manage information overload by focusing on clear and concise messaging. Additionally, being mindful of our audience and their perspectives allows us to bridge cultural differences, fostering healthier and more meaningful connections. 


    1. I also think that If I could use Aristotle’s communication model, I would be able to communicate more effectively in my daily life. When you want to communicate something to the other person, I also think it is very important to communicate the evidence and proof logically to the other person. However, to convey a message logically to the other person, it is necessary to pay attention to the other person’s knowledge and background.


    2. I also learned that Ethos, Logos, and Pathos are important to make a receiver persuasive in the other class. I was surprised about the old model of communication that Aristotle’s model in 350 B.C. still used by people now. Although these modern communication models exist, I believe that the communication models created in the past still remain an important role in our lives. 


    3. Your thoughts are very interesting. I’d love to hear you will how to apply Aristotle’s model in real life, because I think what you wrote is very good and profound, but there are some parts that I don’t quite understand,haha! As for me, Aristotle’s model seems quite abstract when viewed solely through theory. I’m sure you understand it much more deeply than I do. While I find communication between people quite simple, Aristotle’s division of it into three parts is easy to comprehend. However, I believe understanding it in practice will give us a deeper insight. I hope you can apply it well in the future!


    4. You have observed and analyzed Aristotle’s model of communication thoroughly. Aristotle’s communication model includes three important elements: Ethos, Pathos and Logos. If people from different countries and different cultural backgrounds want to better convey the content they want to express, these three elements can be used not only in communication, but also in writing, which improves our persuasive power.


  9. Aristotle was the first to introduce the idea of a “Communication Model”; a simplified but scientific approach towards communicating. While simplistic in its design, the “Speaker, message, listener” model was the beginning of communication as a study, and the beginning of understanding how humans connect and interact with one another.

    Aristotle also placed heavy emphasis upon persuasion in his communication, and by extension communication at large. All communication has a purpose, which we must take into account every day, but more than that what does most communication seek to do? I believe that most communication we encounter, day to day, strives to persuade. Be it overtly or not; when we converse with one another, scroll social media, or look at advertisements on the train, all around us are models centered around persuading us. Social media posts persuade us to believe in, buy into, or follow certain lifestyles/beliefs, advertisements persuade us to buy products or ideas, your professor giving a lecture is persuading you to learn or believe.

    There is always a meaning behind the media we consume, and often times media is centered around conveying and persuading a certain message. All around us, and even unknowingly we engage in persuasive techniques in communication. This is what makes Aristotle’s model so unique and important, it is a fundamental to understanding how we interact and what is important when we do. By honing our use of persuasive techniques, we can become more effective communicators and better influencers. And on the other side, once we identify persuasive aspects of the messages we consume we can become more aware consumers and better informed.

    Aristotle talks about the three main forms of persuasive techniques: Ethos, logos and pathos. Ethos seeks to persuade the receiver by the credibility of the sender, or, more simply, an appeal to authority. Those that know more than us certainly know better than us, and this line of thinking leads us to the Ethos of persuasion. Logos is our rational appeal, an appeal to logic or our common sense. When someone uses scientific evidence, studies or other forms of data, that is an appeal to logos. Finally, and the most subjective, is pathos, appeal to emotion. Pathos is the most underlying persuasive technique, not immediately identifiable but most widely used and to great effect. Humans are emotional creatures, and our ability to perceive logic is lost when our emotions are played to perfectly. Think about a movie with a really sad ending, and how the message of that movie has been played up because of their emotional appeal. This is not always a bad thing, appealing to emotions is a way to draw the audience into the message and make its impact greater.

    All of these forms of persuasion can be used all at once, or one at a time, but they are often if not always present. When you learn to look for them, appeals to our emotions, authority or sense of logic are everywhere. I think it is important to understand where and how these appeals work, as we can become more resistant to bad messages and persuade others better.


    1. I like how you mentioned that the employment of persuasive techniques is often completely unconscious. The teacher mentioned that many politicians go through body language and speaking training to appear the most well-prosed and appealing to the audience but the fundamental perception and nature of charisma, charm, and ultimate ethos/pathos stems from those who naturally possess this persuasive ability. That is to say, that in Aristotles time, I wonder if behavior like that was studied to be able to perform a version of your message to an audience to best entice them or if many of the greatest speakers of their day conducted themselves purely on natural spirit.


    2. Like in the example you mentioned, even just seeing an advertisement on a train, I think that we are still buying the product or service due to the effect of Aristotle’s model of communication of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. Therefore, if people focus on these effects when creating advertisements, it might be possible to increase sales of that product or service more. 


    3. I also strongly agree with your advocacy of Aristotle’s persuasive techniques! When I heard about the model and its persuasive skills from my teacher in class, I found it immensely beneficial! The “persuasive techniques” involved in this model are indeed very useful in my opinion. As you said, they are unconsciously and widely used in any situation, and are so important. Perhaps I don’t understand the specific application of the previous model, but I am able to clearly grasp the application of these persuasive techniques.They are divided into ethos, logos, and pathos. These techniques enable us to learn how to communicate and cooperate better.


  10. In this week, we made groups of about six people per group, and did three types of Interactive Model Communication with relay-style which are limited ways to tell.  

    First, the communication in which words other than the theme word are used to explain. In this communication, after the sentence we receive, we think about how easy it is to convey the information to the next person we communicate to and explain it to them. Therefore, I think this communication is repeated encode and decode. The explain sentence will change from the first person to the last person because different receivers feel differently about words. I am interested in there are different feels and way to tell even if message which is telling is same. 

    Second, the communication in which is not change sentence. In this communication, each person need to tell completely same words to other person. Comparing the first communication, I think that second one is more difficult because we cannot change words the way we feel.  

    Thirdly, the communication with only drawing. This communication can add something to more understand easily after we receive. However, it is possible that understand difficulty if people add wasted information. 

    Through types of three communication, people can solve misunderstand quickly when people use Transactional Model. However, it is possible that Interactive Model is how information is conveyed depends on how the server conveys it. Therefore, I think that rumors can be exaggerated and stories spread more widely than when the information was first released. 


    1. I agree with your observations on the limitations of the communication forms we used during the class activity. During the first exercise some sentences were significantly easier to communicate and memorize than others because they were shorter or used fewer complex words. The hardest sentence rhymed which if it is a simple rhyme should be easier to memorize however because it was a long sentence it was much harder to communicate. The limitation on the second exercise was knowledge of the language being spoken as if you didn’t know a complicated word you would be unable to correctly describe it and communicate its meaning down the line. The limitations with the drawing meaning of a word were if you weren’t good at drawing or is you misinterpreted an image you would not be able to get the correct word. More complex words that conveyed ideas would be impossible to communicate through a single image. Perhaps you could communicate them through multiple images, but we were limited to only one image. This exercise was great because it helped u understand the limitations of different communication mediums.

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    2. I agree with you. There are many different ways of communication between people, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. When rumors spread among people, they will inevitably add some subjective colors and thus exaggerate them.


  11. In another class I am in we are studying Aristotle’s communication model. We looked at the presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. During the debate we were asked to pay attention to the Ethos, Pathos and Logos of each speaker. The conclusion was that Nixon won the debate if it were heard on radio and Kennedy won the debate when watched on television. This is because Kennedy performed better on television. Kennedy attended Harvard which helped add to his credibility of Ethos. He looked younger, better, his body language was relaxed, and he seemed to have a level head while Nixon was sweating due to the fact he had a fever, and the studio lights were extremely warm. He was also wearing makeup to hide his fever however the makeup started smearing off with his sweat. However, if you close your eyes and listen to the debate Nixon used more data and logic or Logos to win his arguments rather than stating his position, he would take on certain problems, he also hinted at some policies he would discuss later in the debate, his speech was well put together, and he responded well to Kennedy’s speech. The visuals ended up playing a key part in who would win the debate.

    This shows that non-verbal communication such as appearance and body language play a much bigger part in communication than we think. This example shows that the 7-38-55 rule created by Albert Mehrabian is close to the truth. The rule states that 7 percent of communication is verbal, and 38 percent of communication is conveyed through tone of voice, and 55 percent of communication is conveyed through body language. There is however some distortion when viewing a debate like this on the television specifically because you are not standing in the same room you will not be able to read someone’s emotions, character and intentions as well as you could if you were communicating in person. Another issue is that this is mass media, and it follows a linear communication model with the sender being the producers the message being the debate and the receiver being the viewer. With this model there is little to no feedback, of course there is feedback when the viewers go to vote but an important part of communication is getting to know the character of the person you are communicating with and with such a limited form of feedback this is almost impossible.

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    1. Thank you for sharing the anecdote about the presidential debate – I think that really nicely summarizes how much the message or meaning to the consumer can change based on the medium in which it is portrayed. It can even change the opinion of consumers on very important matters, such as who wins presidential debates and so on.


  12. In this class I learned about different communication models. We then had an in-class discussion. We then discussed which model each photo fits into. That is the most interesting part of this lecture for me and it is a very good way to understand models. However, I have a question about one picture. It was a picture of one audience member watching President Trump and President Biden each stand on stage and speak. We decided that it is a Linear model. But I think if it is a speech battle, I agree because both Biden and Trump are speakers and the person who sits in front is the receiver. However, if it is a debate, I think it’s different. If it is a debate, if Biden says something, Trump needs to reply to it and vice versa. In that case, Biden and Trump would serve as both speaker and receiver. Also whoever was a receiver before would be the one judging. Furthermore, if this were a TV show, the person who sitting front would be the TV director and speakers would be Biden and Trump. But the receivers are them and us. So communication models applies will vary depending on the situation. I couldn’t find which communication model fits if it was a debate.

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    1. I think the problem with modern communication is that there is a lot of trouble caused by non-face-to-face communication. Recently, social media has spread all over the world and many people use it. In these social media, people can say many things anonymass. Or people can communicate with just a text message or DM. Communication is now possible without hearing faces or voices. However, I think it would lead to misunderstandings. For example, if you ask someone “would you like to go to the movies tomorrow?” in text, then the person sends just a “No”. When I see that, I may feel “Is she angry?” or something negative. On the other hand, some people try to deceive others. For example, there are many people who pretend to be female even though they are actually male in order to meet that person. Communication without being able to see another person’s face or expressions carries various risks. However, it is also incredibly convenient. To use these platforms effectively, it is important to develop proper internet literacy skills.

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    2. I agree that the model of communication applied varies from situation to situation. The reason why it is difficult to judge the model of communication discussed in the class discussion about President Trump and President Biden standing on stage and talking is that it is just a picture and there is no other information. I think we need to a lot of information to know the model of communication because the model of communication will change the situation on the situation. 


  13. We played a game where we had to tell a topic we did in class without speaking.I was actually the first one to see the word and communicate it. I recreated it with pictures, but I realized how difficult it is to communicate.
    It turned out that each element of the abstract model, which shows what processes communication consists of, plays an important role in ensuring effective communication.I learned that the linear model has the problem that the sender cannot know whether the message was successfully sent to the receiver and whether the content of the message was conveyed to the receiver. I learned that it is important to understand how to understand and apply different models to different situations.

    I was able to understand that the sender and receiver of a message in the interactive model switch places and communicate with each other, and the difference between the transactional model and the interactive model.
    For example, chatting on the Internet is a transactional model, while exchanging letters and emails is an interactive model.

    I also noticed that cultural differences can be noise and barriers that can impede the normal transmission of messages.


    1. I like the activity, but feel the same way you do. It is very hard to communicate without talking. Our group topic was ”Tulip”. When I get paper from a person, the picture shows a tulip, so I draw the tulip. But when the last person’s drawing was changed to a rose. I don’t know if I was a bad drawer or someone else was a bad drawer, or if I misunderstood what any flower would do.


    2. In the class, we did a communication in which we told the topic using only drawing pictures. It was difficult to smoothly tell what we wanted to convey because of the limitation of not speaking in this communication. Therefore, I found that we usually use various methods to communicate with others to understand easily to others. For example, if I cannot tell only words, I will try to various ways which use more easily words, or show pictures and videos. It is only when these various pieces of information overlap that they are conveyed to others and communication is established. 


  14. This class has brought me a lot of gains. It has made me fully understand the importance of three communication models, including Schramm’s Linear SMCR Model, Transactional Model for Interpersonal Communication, Interactive Model for Internet-Age Communication, and Davis Foulger’s Progressive Communication Model. In the group discussion in class, we also analyzed the communication models of various scenarios, which is very interesting. The communication model can improve the efficiency of communication and improve the communication ability of individuals and teams. And different communication models can be selected according to different scenarios and environments.

    For me, the communication model I prefer is the Transactional Model for Interpersonal Communication. Because the sender and receiver of this communication model immediately receive each other’s messages and correct errors in time. And both parties can add some body language, change the tone of voice, etc., which is more interactive and can better express their meaning and understand the other party’s intentions.

    The news I browsed was that Russian President Putin answered reporters’ questions at the International Economic Forum held in St. Petersburg on June 7. The sender is Russian President Vladimir Putin, who expressed Russia’s firm stance on the Ukrainian issue and the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons by giving speeches and answering reporters’ questions. The receivers are government officials and media reporters from various countries. Leaders and the public of various countries received Putin’s speech through government statements, news reports, etc. This communication model is more targeted. When answering the host’s questions, Putin can adjust and modify his speech in time according to the reaction on the spot and the content of the questions. (Source:

    This lecture really changed my view on communication. Before this, I always thought that communication was a very simple information transmission, but after learning, I found that it is actually a very complex and diverse process. Schramm’s Linear SMCR Model is more suitable for one-way information transmission. The focus of the model is encoding and decoding, emphasizing the transmission of information from the sender to the receiver. But it may not be applicable to two-way communication and timely correction of information errors. The Transactional Model for Interpersonal Communication emphasizes two-way interaction, which is more in line with the communication scenarios in real life. The identities of the sender and the receiver can be interchanged at any time, and both parties can supplement and change the information conveyed in time. The Interactive Model for Internet-Age Communication is usually communicated on the Internet platform (social media, email, zoom conference, etc.), which is not restricted by location and time and is more convenient. It is especially important that for people like me who are socially anxious, face-to-face communication is really nervous, and it is also unnatural to make eye contact with the other party. But communicating on the Internet platform allows me to do it in a comfortable environment, reducing my stress and anxiety. So communication is also a science. According to different needs, choose the most appropriate communication model to achieve better communication.

    In modern communication, I did find some problems, that is, the problem of privacy leakage of users. The user’s personal information is not protected, including browsing history, location information, etc. And the information we post on social media may be stolen. Whether from a legal or moral point of view, the abuse of our privacy is not allowed. It will bring great insecurity to people, as if living in a very transparent world. This is not the result we want to see.

    The three important elements of the Aristotle model are pathos, logos, and ethos. They emphasize the speaker’s authority and credibility, emotional appeal to the recipient, and evidence and reasoning. Most of us try to persuade others every day without understanding how persuasion works. At least two elements of the Aristotle model must be used in speeches or presentations to be more persuasive.

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    1. I also found it very interesting to discuss which model to apply through group discussions.I also understood that communication models are effective tools to understand how communication works and to improve efficiency Each model has its own characteristics and advantages, and it is important to choose the right model for different situations.I also found that with the development of the Internet and digital technology, the interactive model has become increasingly important.In this model, communication is asynchronous, and in many cases it seemed to me a very good lesson that I also understood that it is very interesting that senders and receivers can communicate instantly through text based media, regardless of their physical location.


    2. Same. My favorite communication model is also Transactional Model. To see people’s body language do help the conversation more smoothly. I also agree that people feel nervous when they talk with people face to face. I’ve mentioned that in my essay as well:)


    3. I agree with that positive aspect of transactional model of communication. Because I get an immediate response from the others to the message I send. This communication can tell exact information because they can reform quickly when others understand. On the other hand, in Interactive model, I cannot correct the message even if the others misunderstand it because I do not receive a response to the message I send. It is possible that the information changes from the first. That is why the transactional model of communication is reliable more than the Interactive model of communication if they focus on accuracy. 


  15. The communication model is key to understanding how our everyday conversations work as a process of sending and receiving information. As Sherlock Holmes once said to Watson, “You see, but you do not observe. The distThe communication model is key to understanding how our everyday conversations work as a process of sending and receiving information. As Sherlock Holmes once said to Watson, “You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear. It is amazing that humans and many other animals share information with each other unconsciously using communication models, but only humans were able to form new models because they were able to recognize and elevate them to the category of a model. The concepts common to all communication models are sender, receiver, message, and media.

    The communication model ( mostly Transactional) is mainly done in the language of the country if it is between people from the same country. This is done almost subconsciously, and there is almost no effort to use this communication model itself, even though there may be some extra thought put into the content of the conversation. The Transactional model is probably the most effective interpersonal communication model because the relationship between senders and receivers is constantly shifting.
    This model can, of course, be used between individuals from different countries. By shifting the medium for sending messages from language to body language, it is possible to communicate with each other. This is my personal opinion, but I feel that “shifting the media from language to body language” tends to remove unnecessary biases and make it easier to understand the feelings of the other person. When I communicate with someone using mainly body language only, I feel that I can understand their feelings more easily than when I use language.
    By maximizing the use of language and facial expressions in body language, it is possible to communicate with animals. Body language and gestures give the animal a framework for what actions I want them to take, and facial expressions, tone of voice, and pitch allow me to describe my feelings about the content of the conversation.

    We learned more than five different models of communication suitable for different applications in the lecture. For example, Aristotle’s model is a model for maximizing the effects of the information given by the sender through the three elements of ethos, logos, and pathos. The linear model is an indispensable concept for modern social media management. However, I feel that while all of these models are maximally effective in certain situations and media, they lack versatility. For this reason, I prefer the Transactional model. It is the basis of animal communication, and its versatility even allows us to communicate with other animals.


    1. I also believe that body language is very important in communication. It is a fact that better communication can be achieved by using body language.


    2. I totally agree with what you said Language and communication do have a unique role in the context of the same country. Specifically, in the use of transactional models, due to the naturalness of language, it is natural for people in the same country to communicate in their mother tongue. As you said, the use of this language is almost subconscious, there is no need to deliberately think about how to use the transaction model, and more attention is focused on the content of the communication. For me, if I meet people from a country, I feel a sense of affinity…


    3. I agree. There are many different ways of communication between people, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. When rumors spread among people, they will inevitably add some subjective colors and thus exaggerate them.


      1. Same. The existence of this communication mode requires a sender and a receiver. However, there are many media to connect the relationship between the two, and body language is one of the most typical ones, which does not limit the communication between our two communicators.


  16. The communication models are interesting because the nature of sending and receiving messages is one that takes place across all of nature and at every individual dimension/layer of our world. Cells must be senders and receivers of neural impulses to command action between its different organelles and on the macro plants that are made up of these communicating cells grow beautifully colored roses to send a message of pollination to the passing bees.

    For this reason, I like the idea of the transactional and interactive models of communication because so much of the world is constantly sending and receiving signals again and again. In this way, the lecture has made me think more about communication and the incredible breadth of its functions. At any point, even inanimate objects can be communicating some message to a receiver and in some way perhaps everything has some message within it.

    For example, what message does a treacherous, icy path on a jagged mountain send to a fleeing doe chased by snow leopards. Probably a message the effect of, “this path you cannot cross” or “danger danger”.

    I use this example of an icy path on a mountain because in class, we analyzed a billboard and linear communication & message to its oncoming receivers. It made me think of how inanimate objects have messages even beyond meaning imbued via (in this case) marketing teams and humans. The many remote, unmoving objects of nature form and act upon some kind of communication model with the residents of the environment around it.

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    1. I like how you show the complexity and necessity of communication at the micro level through the example of cells and nerve impulses and the impact of communication on ecosystems at the macro level through the example of plants and pollination. I do think these two examples are very good illustrations of the application of the communication model we learned at different levels. The example you mentioned of the icy mountain road and the doe is also interesting. It really shows that even inanimate objects can trans information. Through its dangers, the ice mountain road conveys the message “dangerous, cannot pass” to the animals, which is a non-verbal communication method that is very common in nature.


    2. Your opinion was quite interesting. Surely the signals emitted from our nerve circuits are transmitted to our muscles and we can move any part of our body we want because messages are sent and received at all layers of the body. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before, thanks for the great insight. I tend to think of communication as an external, primarily interpersonal model of communication because of the nature of sending and receiving, but it is the fundamental structure that allows us to move our bodies.

      I also think you made a good point about non-living natural structures sending messages to the animals (including humans) that are against them. The reason no one wants to walk along a cliff that looks like it is about to collapse is because we are receiving a message through the visuals that our lives are in danger.
      Perhaps the animals’ genetically inherited distinction of natural enemies is passed on in a form similar to an interactive communication model.


    3. I agree. It makes me think deeper about the sending and receiving of messages in nature and communication between creatures. I agree that the idea of transactional and interactive models shows its expansion.


  17. Communication models are important to make the communication structure. Each person is growing up in a different environment. We all experience different languages, experiences, beliefs, and values. People are not the same as other people, they have their own skills that they communicate with others like people have their unique one in their minds. In order to communicate with others to tell something that people want to tell, people need to think what they want to tell others in words or sentences and so on. In addition, people also need to think about how they tell the information to others easily to understand without any misunderstanding. People have their own mind and they have a different mind from others. People might think that if they tell others their own idea to others, others can understand 100% that people tell others, but others can not understand 100% because they have different backgrounds.

    Why are communication models so important because communication models are the important tools to convince the information to others correctly. As I mentioned, people have their own background and it is not the same as others. That means if people want to tell others correctly, they need to explain every step of the way how they think and what they want to tell others. For example, there are the 5 steps that people explain to others. If they say 1, 2 , 3, 4 , and 5 steps, it will work to understand what they want to tell the information. However, if they say 1, 2, 3, and 5 skip 4, others might misunderstand what people want to tell because of their difference. Communication models can help to understand easily what they want to tell. If it is not enough to understand with words and sentences, people can also do actions like body language to tell. It is difficult only using the words to tell the information like the game that we did in previous class. If we use the action like body language, listeners can easily know what speaker wants to explain better. 

    Communication models are important because they can prevent misunderstanding. However, it might be difficult using only words or sentences to understand what they wanna tell others. In order to explain the things that you want to tell others. you should think to yourself about the importance of telling others easily to cross over the difference of their backgrounds.


    1. I also agree with that is impossible to fully understand someone 100%. However, I think it is important to have a five-step process to enhance understanding. While achieving 100% understanding may not be possible, making an effort to understand is important.


    2. I agree with you that people from different countries communicate together, even if they all use the same language, they will encounter communication barriers due to their different ways of thinking and logic. At the same time, using body language to assist, we can better convey the content we want to express. But in different countries, there are also differences in body language. For example, the OK gesture means “OK, no problem” in the United States, but in Japan it means “money”, which I only learned after I came to live in Japan.


  18. Communication models significantly help us to improve our understanding of how we communicate and communication skills.  We learned about the different models of communication in the class that sender, message, channel, receiver and feedback are the key components. Personally, I prefer interactive model. Since this communication model is the way we communicate on the internet. As we learned in the class, there is no obvious power gap between senders and receivers for this model. It allows people to talk with anybody, share and exchange information with each other. It encourages people to engage to social issues discussion and  enhances the sense of community. Besides, it adapts to different communications styles: we can choose what massage we are going to send and receive, channel and feedback depends on our personal needs and preferences. Compares to linear model, there are more details and interactivity. When some sensitive news about political issues pops out on the internet, it attracts a bunch of users to debate and goes viral. Interactive model provides an opportunity for discussion of political issues, cultural difference and personal background could be the “noice” which means messages differ from the way receivers think.  In addition, I do believe that Aristotle’s model is an effective way for communication. It concludes ethos, pathos and logos which can  impress audience and persuasive. 

    I believe that there are some subliminal problems in modern communication. Firstly, online communication leads to bad behavior. It leads to cyber-violence happens since people can be anonymous on the internet. There are many victim get hurt by being abused. Secondly, fake news can be spread fastly so people can get misled and lose their trust on media. Thirdly, people will lose their verbal communication and social skill due to internet. We played some games about conveying message to the next person. After the message spread to five people or even more, the content changed. We didn’t really know what exactly communications models are. We couldn’t encode and decode which means the message we sent to others were not clear, brief and convincing. Also, the noise in the class was interrupting us,  so misunderstandings happened. I didn’t know that communication models are that important, so this lecture was really helpful for me.


    1. Logos, ethos, and pathos, introduced by Aristotle, certainly effectively bring out the impact of the message sent by the sender. However, this is not a new medium (channel), but rather a concept of attachment, so to speak, that uses existing communication models while effectively amplifying the impact produced by them.
      I agree that cyber violence arises because of the presence of anonymity. I don’t mean that the harassers take advantage of this anonymity, but rather that the victims are victimized by the anonymity or the “noise” that comes with the use of the Internet. I believe that one of the reasons we act kindly towards people is because we receive information in the form of their facial expressions and body language in person, which makes us feel sympathy for them or makes us reconsider our own behavior. This does not happen on the Internet. There is no way to know who the receiver of a message is and what kind of facial expression and body language they are expressing when they receive a message. This makes the sender less likely to look back on his or her actions.


    2. I agree with you that communication skills can be improved by understanding and applying different communication models. You mentioned that there are many disadvantages to communicating on the Internet. I also agree with you. The consequences of cyber violence on the Internet are very serious, even there are many underage victims. Because of their anonymity, these people hide behind their computers and make irresponsible statements, causing psychological harm to the victims and sometimes even leading them to make extreme decisions such as suicide.


  19. I think communication models are important for identifying where the message is coming from, how it is processed, and who is receiving the message. Each model is designed to process a certain message depending on the audience and the device that is being reached (mass media, through computer). I personally prefer the transactional model because I communicate with people in person everyday.

    The lecture did change about my idea of communication. Before the lecture, I just assumed communication was where people interact with each other through in person or from a device. However, there are different situations and terms for communication and its models.

    I see one problem in modern communication which is commonly seen in relationships. I hear the phrase “communication is key” in all relationships. However, this is still one of the most common problems in any form of relationships. I would like to know why that is the key problem as if they’re not being honest or have a different way of expressing their feelings.

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  20. In this chapter, we learned the types of communication models and what roles of those each other. I do not think that I could catch the importance of knowing and learning the communication models, but it is really useful to do something interacting with people whether it is large, small, or types of groups. My favorite models is transactional model because it is the most communicational style in my opinion. In that model, I could feel interacting with person or people, and it leads to make me feeling well. I feel connection between the person or people and me. As I mentioned before section, I had been a school council president when I was a high school student, so I had relatively more opportunities to talk something in front of many people than the other students. I was fortunate enough to recognize that all of those opportunities were for communication, so I made an effort to keep the students interested and to speak in an interesting way because I had felt that teachers speech were so boring and I did not want to pay attention to it. Now, I really want them to learn this topic and to make their speech better.


  21. Throughout the classes about communication models, it reminded me of Nietzsche’s quote, “There are no facts, only interpretation”. In particular, I think we can apply Nietzsche’s words to the communication model’s encoding and decoding process.

    Modern communication, which has been changing with the development of digital technology, has some challenges and disadvantages. There is a terrifying aspect to how we process the information itseld. This is because by simply changing the way information is excerpted or the nuances of the words used to convey the information, it can be interpreted in many different ways by different people. This also makes it possible to manipulate impressions. It can be also explained in the offline world. For example, the same glass may look round when viewed from above but square when viewed from the side.

    While technology and social media can deliver information to a wide area in an instant, misinterpreted information can also spread quickly.

    However, I believe that learning communication models can help prevent these problems. This is because by understanding which part of each model is lacking, we can work to improve it. For instance, by recognizing that lack of feedback in a linear model can lead to misunderstandings, we can ask receivers questions to confirm their understanding of the content to ensure mutual and deeper understanding. Moreover, we can use visual tools such as diagrams and charts to encourage clearer understanding rather than only delivering verbal explanations .

    In other words, understanding these communication models can help individuals become more compassionate and skillful communicators. In this way, we will also be able to respond by taking a different approach based on situational context and the needs of the receiver.


    1. I love that Nietzsche quote. Great point. Even language itself can be broken down much further than even the models we learned in class. Fundamentally, words represent concepts which we learn over time based on patterns, but almost everything is hard to define at a root level. If we say “bag,’ an image pops into our mind based on all the things we’ve seen pointed at and called a bag before. But what if it has 8 handles? Or what if it looks like a bag but its 100 feet wide? Or what if’s basically a bag but it doesn’t have handles? You could stretch the concept like this with any word. So even language itself is a pretty rough and rudimentary way of communicating much more advanced concepts and materials that are comrpised of billions of atoms, or complex ideas, etc. Basically, we’re all just making it up as we go along and doing our best to make sense of patterns and communicate those.

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    2. I agree with you. Learning to communicate is a very important lesson in life, which not only helps us to interpret and grasp information, but also helps us to express our ideas more clearly, and adopt different communication skills in different situations.


  22. I learned to delve into the fascinating world of communication models and why they play a crucial role in our understanding of how information flows and interactions take place. Communication models serve as blueprints that help us comprehend the complexities of human communication and how messages are transmitted and received. Why are communication models so important? Well, these models provide us with a structured way to analyze and interpret communication processes. They offer insights into how messages are encoded, transmitted, and decoded, shedding light on the factors that can affect the effectiveness of communication. Each communication model has its strengths and weaknesses, but personally, I find Aristotle’s model quite intriguing. His emphasis on ethos, pathos, and logos resonates with me as it highlights the importance of credibility, emotions, and logic in persuasive communication. In the Basic Communication Model, the sender plays a vital role in initiating the communication process by encoding the message, which involves converting thoughts or ideas into a format that can be transmitted. The message is then transmitted through a selected medium or channel, such as face-to-face conversation, email, or social media. Feedback is like the GPS of communication like it tells you if you’re on the right track or if you’ve taken a wrong turn into the land of confusion. In the lecture, it exactly helped and changed my idea about communication for showing long division,  appropriate channels. It restates the importance of effective communication strategy to advance understanding and bridge communication gaps in a variety of settings. I spot problems that are misunderstandings, and lack of feedback mechanisms. Checking for rapid communication, responding quickly to misunderstandings in modern communication. I agree with what you said about Aristotle’s model. The process of decoded messages emphasized in the basic communication model is well matched with Aristotle’s principles of message communication which I felt was important.


  23. The problem in present communication is being more verbal communication, I guess. The social media networks makes it bigger and bigger because there are many places where people can share or say something very straightforwardly and visually such as likes and bads online. The communication style that I hope is the sender and receiver should be on equal footing, the sender should send with the receiver’s feelings in mind, and the receiver should try to understand the sender’s intentions and sender’s feelings. I could see on the internet that it seems as if either side is sending something own way or the other, especially the sender, without considering the receiver’s feelings. It is sad to see the lack of people connection that original communication creates, and well, I am afraid that the more social media develops in the future, the more we will lose something important. Basically, if people remember or recognize the original communication, I think it will improve, and furthermore, I hope that some powerful organization or industry will send out the concerns I mentioned and focus on improving it.


  24. As we were learning about communication models, I kept thinking of what Stephen King says about writing in his opening of his book “On Writing.” When asked ‘what is writing,’ he says says that it’s, “Telepathy, of course. It’s amusing when you stop to think about it—for years people have argued about whether or not such a thing exists, folks like J. B. Rhine have busted their brains trying to create a valid testing process to isolate it, and all the time it’s been right there, lying out in the open like Mr. Poe’s Purloined Letter. All the arts depend upon telepathy to some degree, but I believe that writing offers the purest distillation”

    I always found his description of writing as telepathy memorably, because it’s a slightly amusing but accurate way of describing what writing is aiming to do. The goal, ultimately, is to transfer thoughts from the writers head to the reader’s head as accurately as possible. At first, the task may seem simple, but when you think about all the things that can come in between, like we learned about through the various models with gatekeepers, noise, different mediums, and even different types of audiences, the task suddenly seems far less simple. Time is one of the most interesting variables to me. I might write something down today, but with that form of communication, it might be 2,000 years before the receiver receives the message. The ideas that inform how we encode and decode something as complex as language change significantly over time, so the possibility that we can accurately decode writing seems to decrease the longer the time between the sending and receiving. Even something as simple as a text message…. “are you free?” If the person doesn’t receive it until the next day, they might reply “yes,” but of course that’s not what the sender truly intended. They were asking whether the person was free a day earlier. So when we try to interpret text from history, it seems incredibly unlikely that we ave all the necessary context and decoding tools to properly interpret their messages.

    In a practical sense, I think it’s incredibly useful to consider communication models anytime we want to communicate as either a receiver or a sender. As a receiver, it might be good to consider who the intended audience was, the context in which the message was sent. This could drastically alter the way we decode the message. And as a sender, it’s probably useful to consider the entire model before constructing your message. If the audience is apathetic, how might you structure the message differently from a single-issue public? If there might be a lot of noise, how can you ensure the intended message breaks through the noise? If your goal is persuasion, how can you increase ethos, pathos, and logos to increase the odds your message succeeds? These are all often overlooked, but incredibly useful considerations before deciding how to construct your message, and can even save you time in the long run if it prevents miscommunication.

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  25. For this chapter, we talked about the communication model. It helped me to have a better understanding of how to communicate and how to make the conversation better. In this essay, l would like to discuss communication.

    The teacher mentioned that there are 3 types of communication models, which are Linear Model, Interactive Model, and Transactional Model. I prefer the Transactional Model. It is almost likely a conversation between two people, and they can respond to each other immediately. I am a person who gives feedback quickly because l want the person who I am talking to receive my idea as soon as possible, which can cheer both of us up and help us have more effective conversations. Also, the teacher gave an example that showed two people texting. It is the Transaction Model. People type what they want to express and answer. However, there could be some problems. People could misunderstand the message. Therefore, the examples l gave are both Transaction communication models, but they could have different results.

    I consider that the communication model in the news fits more with the makeup of the Interactive model. Basically In this model, the sender distributes the message to the huge audience and then the audience share the message to another audience. After this, feedback from these receivers is sent back to the sender. Recognizing that news works as more than a one-way medium of communication, as in the Linear model where old newspapers did not usually invite people to tell them later what they thought of the newspaper, of the press, of the media that talks to them, but rather people who the news is trying to interact with. This is most apparent in avenues such as extensive interview processes – where viewers give their thoughts on news stories and their responses, are likely main content makers for later.

    The content that l am interested in the most is the concept of the Gatekeeper of speech. Actually, l had no clue what it was at the beginning, and I never had any thoughts of it. However, this class helps me understand it. In my culture, there is no clear conception of free speech. In other words, we don’t really have freedom of speech. Most social media are controlling our words and there is a complete system of it. They can automatically detect bad words. People are not even able to send it. And, now l know it is the Gatekeeper of speech. I don’t have a clear position since it has both merits and risks. It does make the internet environment more peaceful. We all know that some terrorist speeches are no longer mere threats, but can cause panic and riots. On the other side, those who use sensitive words but want justice probably lose the opportunity. Some positive speech could be drowned out. If they use this way to force people to be silent, people will never know the truth. It might cause more serious issues. For this kind of problem, my suggestion is we need to create our own judgment criteria to view the information and express ourselves properly on the internet. 

    With the development of technology, more people communicate with people online. It is more flexible and people agree that it is a more kind way for shy people. Speaking of my experience, I prefer to talk to people face-to-face because l can see their faces, and l can tell what the people are thinking about by their body language. That’s how the mood is created. However, l have met a lot of people who are very talkative on the internet when they chat with me, but they act like different people in reality. They deliberately avoid communicating with me. l believe that many people might have the same experience as me. They told me that just because they felt embarrassed and insecure about talking with people in real life, they got used to communicating online by hiding their faces, emotions, and body language. I consider that it is a serious problem of modern communication. Feeling people directly is the way to build relationships. l don’t feel like I am establishing a relationship with people by communicating online. If people rely too much on using the Internet to cover up their panic and uneasiness when communicating, this will make communication between people tasteless and devoid of emotion.

    In addition, I think there is another important element in communication, which is understanding. Through the game we played in class, l realized that having a good understanding of the message we are trying to express and understanding the information we receive are both important. To be a good sender, we cannot just convey the information we see to the receiver, it is better for us to use our own words to describe the message to help the decoder understand. Also, if the receiver is not clear with what the encoder saying, the receiver will not be able to convey the information they got to other receivers.


    1. I think that your points about gatekeeping and free speech are very important when it comes to communication in different cultures. In American culture, we have a nearly unlimited amount of free speech. I think that this is primarily a good thing, as we are all able to share our feelings freely, protest for change, and criticize people in power. However, because of the loose nature of American social media, it is often a very hostile and chaotic place that can radicalize people into extreme, harmful, and destructive beliefs. That’s why it is often up to companies like instagram and google to play the role of moderator. However, the fact that the companies that create the platforms moderate themselves can cause problems; especially considering that these companies often care about making as much money as possible at the cost of the well-being of their users.


  26. I prefer the transaction communication model. I strongly believe all communications which are having face-to-face should be transaction communication. Transaction style is more comfortable because, no one feels good when the person you are talking to, shows unequally. When you talk to someone and the receiver shows an obvious power gap during the conversation, in addition, the position never changes such as you are always the receiver, and never allowed to share your own opinion. This model of communication is not the conversation that should be. In my opinion, when both participants can share their ideas, finally we can say we are having communication.

    I agree that Aristotle’s model in a particular point. I have learned this model the previous semester, I did not even know the words of Aristotle’s model before I learned. And I did not think that our brain feels four different kinds of communication sections and judges whether the person who I talk to is believable or not. However, after learning each section I changed my mind, and I agree with Aristotle’s model. I think humans tend to believe easily that the person depends on the sound and the person’s background. As an example of my best friend from high school, he is a really clear person. When he believes someone’s story, the person is mostly doing or did something high-quality educational things, or amazing things. So, he judges whether is it believable or not based on background. And also when I am listening to someone’s speech and I tend to be an active listener when the speaker shows high confidence and shows more passion.

    I think the problem with our recent communication is the connection between the government and citizens. The example of Japan, the tax and the price of commodities have been increased even though our salary has not illustrated the increase. Now living in Japan is quite hard for citizens. However, when we show our opinion they never listen, moreover, they try to increase taxes and create another tax. The sequences of this miscommunication between government and citizens, a lot of people leave Japan especially those who have high quality skills. If this movement continues Japan is going to be broken.

    The news introduces the communication model what I saw was about Israel and Palestine. These days there are wars between Israel and Palestine, and most people know what is going on there but people do not know the details of the wars. And the news program that I saw is the kind of reply to the audience’s question. The question was about the reason for this war. Then the newscaster explains the reason clearly and the history between the two countries. So, this news introduces an interactive model.

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    1. I agree that you said the communication between the government and the public is the biggest communication problem in modern society. It seems that we have always seen the government asking us what we think, but the problems we report do not seem to be solved. I did not realize this problem before, but after reading your article, I think it is a problem that both the government and the public need to consider.


    2. As you mentioned, I think the problem between the government and the citizens is that prices are rising in Japan despite the fact that salaries are not rising. The government is not doing anything about this and the citizens are not happy. I also believe that in order for Japan not to break down in the future, the government should listen to its citizens and communicate well with them to improve their lives.


  27. I think that emotional communication is very important, when we are emotional, emotional communication is very important, when we are communicating to the people we love, even good things are not easy to tell each other and get each other to understand, and gentle emotional communication makes these communications easier


  28. Gender, unlike biological sex (sex), refers to socially and culturally constructed gender differences. Gender is generally viewed in terms of the binary of male and female, but gender is a more diverse spectrum and includes societal expectations about individual identities, roles, and behaviors. I predict that the way women are portrayed as sexual objects in the media is due to a combination of historical, social, and economic factors. First, many societies have historically had patriarchal structures, with men controlling power and status, which has led to the fact that women are often portrayed as subordinate beings, emphasizing their beauty and sexual attractiveness. In this way, I think that positioning women as objects of male desire helped to strengthen male dominance. Sexual attraction is also a powerful tool in advertising and marketing, especially when targeting male consumers. In addition, there are gender stereotypes in society, with women often associated with beauty, youth, and sexiness, while men are associated with strength, independence, and success. These stereotypes are reinforced and reproduced through media. There are many men on the production side of the media industry, and their perspectives and values are sometimes reflected in the content, and the way women are portrayed tends to be sexual from a male perspective. The influence of pornography cannot be ignored and may be one of the reasons for the spread of sexual depictions. In societies where pornography consumption is high, the sexualization of women has become a common culture, and this is reflected in the mainstream media. However, on the other hand, there are cases where women themselves use sexuality as a form of self-expression and agency, and in some cases, the display of sexual attraction is not necessarily objectification from others, but a form of self-determination. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of media that depict the diverse roles and characteristics of women, and with the influence of feminism and the progress of the gender equality movement, women are being portrayed not only as sexual objects, but also as complex and multifaceted beings. In conclusion, the background of the portrayal of women as sexual objects in the media is intricately intertwined with historical patriarchy, economic marketing strategies, gender stereotypes, bias on the part of media production, cultural influences, etc., but with the change in society, the way women are portrayed in the media is also diversifying, and there is a demand for more equitable and inclusive expression.

    Concrete measures to address the issue of women being portrayed as sexual objects in the media require a multifaceted approach. First, we will strengthen media literacy education and encourage consumers to be more sensitive to biased portrayals by fostering the ability to critically evaluate the impact of media and its content. It is also important to educate about gender equality in schools and workplaces and to reduce gender-based biases and stereotypes. Reform on the media production side requires encouraging participation from diverse backgrounds, especially women and minorities, and incorporating different perspectives. In addition, the media industry needs to develop and ensure that guidelines on gender equality are followed. Specifically, I think there should be guidelines that include restrictions on sexual and stereotypical expressions. As for the reform of media content, it is important to portray women as complex and multifaceted characters and to increase positive role models. For example, it can be effective to highlight women who are active in various fields, such as women in leadership roles, scientists, engineers, etc. It is also necessary to depict women’s sexuality from diverse perspectives, avoiding one-sided depictions of them as sexual objects, and increasing the number of expressions that emphasize women’s own perspectives and subjectivity. On the regulatory and policy front, there will be a need for greater regulation of sexually exploitative advertising and content, as well as stricter penalties for non-compliance. This includes the establishment of self-regulatory bodies and oversight by government agencies. It is also important to strengthen support for feminist and gender studies and to reflect the results of their research in media production. This leads to a better understanding of gender and less biased portrayals. Social movements and campaigns are also effective, with campaigns on gender equality and women’s empowerment, and appealing to society at large to promote awareness change. It is important to feature the voices of real victims. It involves companies, NGOs, government agencies, and others working together to share gender equality goals and develop concrete action plans to advance gender equality initiatives. By implementing these measures in a comprehensive manner, it is possible to eliminate the problem of women being portrayed as sexual objects in the media and create a more equitable and inclusive media environment. It is important that education and awareness-raising, media production reform, regulation and policy, and social movements are approached from all sides, and that they work together.


  29. Understanding communication, how information is processed, and how it facilitates interaction is important. You can analyze and interpret various communication elements, like sender, receiver, message, channel, and feedback. Communication models help us learn how messages are encoded, transmitted, decoded, and interpreted.

    My favorite communication model is the Transactional Model. Unlike linear models, which show communication as a one-way exchange, the Transactional Model shows communication as a dynamic exchange. The model focuses on context, feedback, and ongoing communication interactions, so it’s more like real-world communication.

    Current events will show you how messages are constructed and perceived. With the Transactional Model, you can see how audience feedback, media framing, and cultural context affect candidate messages. There are a lot of factors that impact communication, including how messages are interpreted.

    You get to expand your knowledge by reflecting on lectures on communication models. Seeing how different models work might change perceptions by highlighting the complexities. A good communication can be adapted to different contexts and audiences.

    There are a lot of challenges in modern communication, like information overload, misinformation, and rapid message spread. Digital distractions make it hard to discern credible information, maintain privacy, and make meaningful connections.

    I think Aristotle’s communication model, which focuses on ethos, pathos, and logos, is great for analyzing persuasive communication. The ethos, pathos, and logos are credibility, pathos, and logic. If you know and apply these elements, you can make your persuasive communication strategies better, whether you’re speaking, advertising, or talking politics.

    Overall, communication models help us understand, analyze, and improve communication. They help you analyze how messages are constructed, transmitted, and interpreted. The more models we explore and their applications, the more we can learn about the complexities of communication in today’s interconnected world.


  30. Communication models are an extremely important part of understanding the transmission of messages and rhetoric because they allow us to remove the contextual elements of media and break it down into its base elements. This creates an analytical lens that is conducive to a broader analysis of the ways in which we communicate and the techniques that we use subconsciously, along with the deliberate ways in which corporations and media organizations form their methods of influence, advertising, and manipulation. Understanding many forms of communication models is especially important, because no singular graphical representation can encompass the totality of something as complex and nuanced as the way people communicate with each other on every level of modern society.

    Specific models are more appropriate for highlighting particular aspects of communication. For example, Aristotle’s communication model is especially effective for analyzing rhetoric. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos help break down methods of persuasion, which allows us to see the ways in which people will target our mental processes in order to persuade us. This is important, not only for conversations in daily life, but in training ourselves to have a more critical lens in all areas of media. Some examples of this include the analyzation of political rhetoric and advertising. More simple examples, such as linear models of encoding and decoding are vital to introducing new students and artists into more mathematical representations of human communication.

    Communication models are also very important to understand in order to utilize proper techniques for the creation of our own media in the future. If artists and creators of media can study concepts such as Aristotle’s communication model, they can carefully adopt different methods of rhetoric and persuasion and apply them to their own work in order to create more persuasive and effective pieces of art.

    Personally, I think models that show the circular nature of communication are the most informative and thought provoking. It is important to remember that communication is almost never truly one-way. Even mass media like television, radio, movies, video games, etc, are shaped by the responses and expected responses of past, present, and future audiences. Then, the response to the message is often gathered and studied for the sake of creating more persuasive media in the future. Portraying the process of communication as a cyclical one feels most fitting because of this. In my opinion, it helps reintroduce the complex and multi-faceted context of communication within modern society.


  31. I think that the state of modern communication is extremely complicated and continues to become ever more complex as technology develops and American society becomes more contentious. I also believe that our over-inundation with technology has created a permeation of abstract noise that makes it harder for us to send and receive information as clearly.

    I have great concern over the motivations of our arbiters of free speech, such as Meta, Google, etc. Given that these companies are primarily concerned with profit above all else, and continue to operate almost entirely unchecked, their interests do not align at all with the users of their platforms. For one, and admittedly this is most likely one of the least concerning points, the abundance of advertising and corporate content online creates so much noise between the users and the content they are trying to interact with. The sheer number of ads posted all over every online platform now is extremely draining.

    Not only that, but because of the way that the advertising system works incentivizes social media companies to keep users of their platforms online for as long as possible. This leads to a network of highly sophisticated algorithms that have evolved beyond the understanding of its own engineers that is designed to get users addicted to using social media. This, obviously, has been and will continue to be extremely detrimental to our society.

    Numerous studies have confirmed that social media usage is linked to a decline in mental illness and increases in eating disorders and body dysmorphia. As someone living with an eating disorder, and someone who frequently struggles with dysmorphia, I can confirm, at least anecdotally, that social media usage has accelerated my symptoms and made it much harder to deal with them. I feel that this is largely because social media companies are concerned with profit before people, and that proper legislation could help remedy this. Fortunately, we have seen some bills get introduced that plan on addressing the issue, but nothing substantial ever seems to pass.

    I am very nervous about what Artificial Intelligence will do to the spread of information as well. Artificial Intelligence is often wrong, and is often used to spread misinformation, and create fake images and videos in order to exploit and manipulate people. I am scared about a future in which nothing can be verified and the majority of what we see is merely digital, and has no basis in humanity.

    Something that all the people my age seem to agree on, at least that I’ve personally spoken to, is that social media is bad for us. I am extremely bias against modern technology and social media, but even then, I don’t believe that the detrimental effects of social media are necessarily intrinsic to the medium itself. As pessimistic as this blog post has largely been, I do think that there is hope that, as a society, we can properly regulate our online spaces and shape them into something that benefits all of us. This may take a while, but I think that as people from our generation enter positions of legislative authority, we will start to figure out how to effectively use these products to help us rather than hurt us.


  32. Learning about communication models was definitely interesting, especially thinking about how they are used by us every day. These models were pivotal in creating the frameworks by which our communication is formatted today. What it supposedly really helps us with is identifying locations where a breakdown in communications may occur. During class, we looked at many different models of communication but I am mostly going to talk about Aristotle’s model.

    However, my question is, when is this actually useful? I don’t think I have to ever use communication models to identify problems that occur during communication. Are there any professionals that ever use communication models like these? What is the point of studying them?

    This leads me in to Aristotle’s model of communication. Aristotle’s model, one of the earliest studies of a communication model, focused on the roles of the speaker, the message, and the audience. This model is mostly useful for arguments or rhetoric.  Aristotle introduced the concepts of ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos refers to the credibility of a source, pathos refers to the emotional appeal of the source, and logos refers to the logical argument of the source. I will absolutely concede that these three concepts are still quite useful today. Many people still use these to analyze and improve things like arguments and advertisements. It is easy to identify if the argument or advertisement uses any of the tools and we can figure out how effectively they are being used. Aristotle recognized the importance of understanding the audience in communication. He argued that effective communication depends on the speaker’s ability to tailor the message to the audience’s beliefs and values. This audience-centered approach is a cornerstone of modern communication strategies, emphasizing the importance of empathy and audience analysis in crafting effective messages. However, Aristotle’s model is somewhat limited in scope as it doesn’t account for feedback or the interactive nature of modern communication. Today’s communication often involves a two-way exchange where feedback is crucial for understanding and improving the communication process.

    Communication models are essential tools for dissecting and improving the way we exchange information. They offer valuable insights into the complexities of human interaction, helping to identify and address barriers to effective communication. Ethos, pathos, and logos are quite useful for formulating arguments and advertisements as a way to convince people of something. However, I wonder how much the average person, that is not making arguments or building advertisements, would need to look at communication models.


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