Summer 2024 – Week 1 – Topic #1: The Impact of Media

Please post your ideas about this topic. Here are some sample questions that might help you:

  • What was the most interesting part of this lecture for you?
  • Did it make you think about your own language?
  • How do you feel about the argument that different language will lead to different thoughts?
  • Have you ever experienced misunderstandings because of your language? In a different culture, or in your own culture (local dialects, knowledge gap etc.)?
  • Is there anything connected to this topic what you would like to know?

[Handout about petroglyphs taken from this link. Last access: 2022/12/23]


Welcome to the blog for “Introduction to Media Analysis” (MSP 1021) at Temple University Japan Campus! I hope you will enjoy the course and the blogging during this trimester, and we will have a lot of exchange here on the blog as well as under CANVAS Discussions!

This course blog is intended for free opinion exchange, deeper reflection or research on on our topics.

As it is a bit complicated, we will set up your accounts together in the first week of this course to avoid any technical issues. Please make use of this blog to anonymously interact with your fellow students by choosing a nice, unique nickname that must be longer than 7 (seven) alphabetical letters and/or numbers and unconnected to your real name for this course, before our first class session.

After we set everything up, send a message to me and let me know your nickname so that I can attribute your points. I will never reveal your identity to others!

Please choose your nickname carefully, as you will have to stick with it throughout the whole trimester!

Be open for various points of view, and when you see something you feel that is off and must debunk it, keep your argumentation polite and have fun!

*Very important to know: Please be aware that screenings and materials in this course are containing controversial subject matter that may generate a “culture shock” and occasionally contain graphic and sexual violence, very strong language, disturbing scenes, explicit sexual content and/or flashing images!

Spring 2024 – Week 9 – Topic #8: The Wonderful Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl (Documentary Film)

In the center of our discussion about the responsibility of media professionals will be the Emmy Award winning German documentary film The Wonderful Horrible Life Of Leni Riefenstahl.

German female film director Leni Riefenstahl could be considered as one of the first persons whose career had been destroyed, in somewhat modern sense, by media/public backlash.

Firstly, I would like you to share with us your impressions of Riefenstahl from watching this film.

I will talk about this documentary and Leni Riefenstahl in greater detail in my lecture on “Propaganda, Hate Speech and Media Impact” which will be the next topic on this blog.

Spring 2024 – Week 6 – Topic #6: Fashion and Communication

© Thom Browne New York. Suits for Men.

In this chapter, I will introduce you to the academic field of semiotics, the study of signs and their meanings in the communication process. Using the example of various fashion trends in the past and the present, I will demonstrate how signs affect us in our daily lives. Please add your comments for this topic here!